Happy Father’s Day Scott

Scott had a special Father’s Day this year with a new career! Feeling overwhelmed, this single dad with three children came to us because he was struggling trying to find a job to support his family and keep a roof over their heads, as well as getting quality child care so he could work. He enrolled in W-2 and FSET determined to use our services to put his family in a better position.

Scott’s timing couldn’t have been better. While he worked with our staff to find daycare and make sure the family had housing, he also joined a special introductory welding training course from Fox Valley Technical College. This intense 4-week class taught him job safety, how to read blueprints, and how to lay a great bead with hands-on welding practice. At graduation, he said “this training has changed my life.”

It’s all been leading to this: Scott just got a job with US Tech Force where he can put these new skills to work. Life has definitely changed for the better as Scott says he’s found some balance in his life and plans to provide more for his kids. He plans to learn more about his craft so he can advance in his new career.

Congratulations Scott! We’re happy we got to know you and proud of all of your success. Keep us posted on any new developments.


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