Jeremy came to us seeking stable employment, but a legal past was making it challenging to move forward. Finding himself in a loop, he decided to take the first step in a different direction and see what employment resources he might be able to use to make progress.
When he met with his case manager, Angel, they discussed his options for improving his job skills and taking the first step toward his dream. First, the enrolled Jeremy in the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. This connected him to the Road to Employment and Career Connections classes. They taught him new employment skills, how to dress for success, how to organize his job searches and look for new leads, how to interview better and build good working relationships, and connected him with local employers.
After working on a new resume, he was able to complete the job search on his own and submit applications. However, Jeremy was facing transportation obstacles and needed some assistance. Angel was able to connect him with gas vouchers that allowed him to get to and from his appointments and interviews.
Eventually, he heard back from a local employer. Using his new interviewing skills, he was able to present himself as the ideal candidate and landed the job. He’s been working since, and he loves the work environment and wants to continue working for financial stability.
Jeremy never gave up despite any obstacles. He has now found a way to make room to sustain himself while he explores new career options.
Congratulations Jeremy!