Jessi – Full Steam Ahead

Living in a friend’s basement with her three children brought Jessi to the conclusion that something needed to change. Coming off a divorce, she didn’t have a job or a car and saw her credit in ruins. Through Wisconsin Works, though, she has discovered an inner strength and is on her way to building a brighter and more secure future for her family.


Jessi set a number of key goals when she first enrolled in the program. The most important was earning her HSED because she knew education opens doors. Jessi threw herself into classes and studying and earned her diploma in less than 1 year – something that usually takes 2. Today, she continues her work experience at Riverview Gardens because she loves the job and is also getting ready for a new adventure: going to school to become an occupational therapist. Wisconsin Works, she says, “helped me find the drive to keep going” and Brenda, her Case Manager, was her rock throughout the process. Jessi said she was initially scared of receiving “state assistance because of what it meant,” but quickly adds that “I’m glad I did because I’m really proud of what I’ve been able to achieve!”

Jessi, we’re proud too and hope you keep us posted on all of your success.
