Dane (Fitchburg)


3301 Leopold Way
Fitchburg, WI 53718

Staff can also meet in pre-arranged public locations or virtually.



(608) 630-4757

Emergency Assistance: (800) 771-8420
Wisconsin Works: (855) 733-1311


Wherever you want to go, we will help you get there.

Our expert staff will connect you with the local resources you need to help you start the career you want.

Programs In

Dane (Fitchburg)

FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET)

Employment support for people on FoodShare to build job skills and start great careers through training, resume help, and job search help. Money for gas vouchers, bus passes, and work clothes for those in the program.

Upcoming Events in Your Area

Check event websites for up-to-date information.

Reach Out to This Office

Dane (Fitchburg)
3301 Leopold Way
Fitchburg, WI 53718
United States
Phone: (608) 630-4757

Connect with us on social

Official FSC Facebook Page
Official FSC LinkedIn Page
Official FSC Instagram Page
Official FSC YouTube Page