A Community For Shamsul

A Community for Shamsul

Moving to a new place can be very stressful. It can be even more overwhelming when you are learning a new language, deciphering a different economic structure, and discovering the small nuances that make a community unique at the same time. In many cases, it takes a collaboration of a community to help someone successfully … See details

Matie’s Drive To Success

Matie was a successful construction and logistics business owner for over 10 years in his home country. He had assisted the US marines in his previous work. Unfortunately, due to the political situation overseas, his home was no longer safe for his family. Matie and his family were forced to pack up and leave behind … See details

Fazal | FSET Success Story

The Courage of Fazal

Every success requires courage. Courage to start the journey. Courage to face stacked odds. Courage to persevere amidst unfathomable circumstances. We’re excited to bring you a very special story today in partnership with ECDC Refugee Resettlement Agency and CW Solutions. A story of a man’s bravery and courage to do what it takes to reunite … See details

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