Maria | FSET Success Story

The Second Time Is a Charm for Maria

This is the continuing story of Maria, a very creative participant in the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. Previously, Maria had approached us for job assistance while she worked hard to get her own business off the ground while pursuing her dreams of being a poet and artist. “I was working with Chasong in … See details

When One Door Closes, Sara Opens Another

“Dreams can change; when one door closes another one opens.” This is a story of a mother from Fond Du Lac County who found her priorities changing as she stepped up to new challenges. But that also meant asking for help a second time. Support when you need it Sara had previously enrolled in the … See details

Transportation Assistance | WETAP Story

Dustin Drives His Recovery

Transportation obstacles are not issues that just affect individuals but the entire community. This is a story about someone who is paying it forward – at least, he was trying to, but his mission was hindered by unreliable transportation. Leading by Experience Dustin is recovering from drug and alcohol abuse. It’s a struggle he has … See details

Nicolet College Graudation

Jason Lifts Up His Family

Providing for your family while dealing with employment obstacles is a lot to overcome. Scraping by while trying to build a better future for your children can spread anyone thin. But accepting the situation for what it is isn’t the only option. This is a story about a father who saw the potential for a … See details

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