Mother Daughter | Client Spotlight

Sharifa and Farishta Stick Together

Being a stranger in a new country can be scary, disorienting, and overwhelming. It takes inner strength to face the challenges that come with unfamiliar surroundings and an unfamiliar language. But there are opportunities for help. This is a story of a mother and daughter refugees who arrived in Winnebago County needing employment and transportation … See details

Wisconsin Works participant Carrie and her baby.

Carrie Books Her Ticket to Success

That sweet baby girl means everything to Carrie, who joined Wisconsin Works shortly after her daughter was born. Today, Carrie knows her baby is at a loving daycare while she reboots her career and starts saving for their family home. However, she came to us to help her family when the pandemic threatened everything she’d … See details

Zahira | Program Participant Spotlight

Zahira Did It for Her Kids

The motivation to change your life can come from many places. Perhaps it’s circumstance or self-fulfillment. Often, it’s the commitment we make to ourselves and others. Wherever we draw strength from, it requires the internal drive of a person to transform their own life. This is a story about Zahira, a woman whose “strength and … See details

Amanda Accepts No Substitute

Amanda graduated from college a year into the pandemic. With the ongoing stresses of political and social unrest, it seemed like a good time to have a double major in psychology and social work. But there was one big problem: childcare was practically non-existent. Suddenly, a flexible schedule mattered more than ever. Amanda knew exactly … See details

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