Joshua proudly holds his CDL training certificate.

Joshua Can Fix It

With the right tools, Joshua can fix just about anything. With over 30 years working in maintenance, that’s what he’s great at. And he used to make a decent living doing it. For the past several years, though, Joshua’s employer-based insurance cost has increased more than his raise. With rising inflation, that meant that Joshua … See details

Matie’s Drive To Success

Matie was a successful construction and logistics business owner for over 10 years in his home country. He had assisted the US marines in his previous work. Unfortunately, due to the political situation overseas, his home was no longer safe for his family. Matie and his family were forced to pack up and leave behind … See details

Nicolet College Graudation

Jason Lifts Up His Family

Providing for your family while dealing with employment obstacles is a lot to overcome. Scraping by while trying to build a better future for your children can spread anyone thin. But accepting the situation for what it is isn’t the only option. This is a story about a father who saw the potential for a … See details

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