The Joy of Independence

After being in prison for 30 years, Randy never expected to be where he is today: “Independent, making money at a job – a real job.” He’s had experiences you’ll have to hear to believe, and you’ll love what he plans to do next. Please watch his interview at to hear his inspirational story for yourself: … See details

Buckling Down to Work Up

“I did everything Angie said, and I got the job!” Dawanna announced to us the minute she was hired at Spectrum. As soon as she got started with us, Dawanna said she was looking for a career with advancement opportunities. Given how much she’s already overcome to get here, we know she’s going to be working her way up … See details

Calling the Shots

Check out the uniform! Danielle joined Wisconsin Works for paid maternity leave, but when she learned that they could put her dreams within reach, she decided to stick around and even joined FSET for more. Now, Danielle has earned her degree, is starting her career, and plans to reach for the stars. Although she’d been in healthcare before, Danielle had all but given up on staying in the field. She settled for other work, … See details

Capri’s Route to Success

Last week was even busier than normal for Capri. She typically attends several appointments a week for her son, who has special needs. She’s enrolled in driver’s ed, is taking classes, and is looking into into licensing a business that will allow her to work from home. When we spoke with her on Tuesday, she … See details

Larry’s Success

Larry told us that before TrANS, he was “in a dark place.” Repeatedly rejected by employers and depending on others for support, he said he grew frustrated and “tired of struggling to get by.” Through his hard work and training in the TrANS program, Larry’s future looks much brighter today. With Lorie’s help, he dedicated himself … See details

Rachee’s Success

“I wanted something more,” says Rachee. “I liked building things with my hands, and I wanted to make a career doing that.” Although Rachee had experience in construction, he couldn’t seem to advance. Plus, with children to provide for, he wanted to get more than just another job. He just needed a chance to prove … See details

Julia’s Success

Please join us in congratulating Julia, a young mother who won’t let anything stop her from giving her newborn the best start possible. This March, Julia was nearing her due date when the pandemic struck. She was laid off, gave birth, and was living with family, but she didn’t feel safe. She joined the WIC … See details

Miriam’s Favorite Accomplishment

“I have come to realize that some of the worst times in life actually prepare you for some of the best and biggest blessings,” says Miriam. Her parents divorced when she was ten, leaving her mother with four children and tight finances. As a result of frequent moves and heath struggles, young Miriam had trouble … See details

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