Joshua proudly holds his CDL training certificate.

Joshua Can Fix It

With the right tools, Joshua can fix just about anything. With over 30 years working in maintenance, that’s what he’s great at. And he used to make a decent living doing it. For the past several years, though, Joshua’s employer-based insurance cost has increased more than his raise. With rising inflation, that meant that Joshua … See details

Adam is sitting next to a success poster. Another image shows Adam in his culinary work uniform.

Adam Cooks Up a Tasty Future

Transitioning to a sober lifestyle can be a very challenging experience. Top it off with also needing to find stable employment and a way around town, and you have one unappetizing recipe. Adam’s story just goes to show that having a taste of your dream can fuel your determination to make it happen. We first … See details

Sarah's profile photo in black and white

Sarah Designs Her Career

We couldn’t be happier to congratulate Sarah, today. This past December, she earned her Associate degree in graphic design, and she just started her new job as an Art Director! Sarah is the talented artist who wowed us when she created a Dream Board comic book a few years ago in our Office Professionals course. … See details

Saychia's Team Has Her Covered

Saychia’s Team Has Her Covered

Saychia has the biggest heart and loves helping people, so there was no doubt that she knew she wanted to be a nurse. When she decided to take the steps toward her dream and enroll in NWTC’s nursing program, expenses quickly started to pile up and cast a huge burden on her finances. Being a … See details

Hailey Refreshes Her Skills

Hailey Refreshes Her Skills

Hailey had just moved her family back to Wisconsin. She was finding it difficult to navigate her once familiar community and realized that needed a little help adjusting and playing catch up with bills. She had utilized services like Childcare Assistance, FoodShare and Badgercare in the past and was sure they could help her and … See details

A confident young man stands in front of trucks at an auto dealer.

Wyatt’s Tools for Success

Wyatt is a confident and independent young man who recently earned a technical degree in Automotive Maintenance from NWTC. He quickly found a job after graduating, moved out of his parents’ house, and even earned a promotion. Wyatt’s hard work and willingness to take on leadership roles are a big part of his success. When … See details

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