You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Success has no hard-and-fast definition. Each person has the freedom to establish their own pillars of success and their method of construction. Success should be looked at not as a destination, but as a spectrum of progress that one embarks on for a lifetime. Enter Richard, a wholly unique individual who proves that success is … See details

Zahira | Program Participant Spotlight

Zahira Did It for Her Kids

The motivation to change your life can come from many places. Perhaps it’s circumstance or self-fulfillment. Often, it’s the commitment we make to ourselves and others. Wherever we draw strength from, it requires the internal drive of a person to transform their own life. This is a story about Zahira, a woman whose “strength and … See details

Fazal | FSET Success Story

The Courage of Fazal

Every success requires courage. Courage to start the journey. Courage to face stacked odds. Courage to persevere amidst unfathomable circumstances. We’re excited to bring you a very special story today in partnership with ECDC Refugee Resettlement Agency and CW Solutions. A story of a man’s bravery and courage to do what it takes to reunite … See details

Kristina | FoodShare Employment and Training Success Story

Kristina Is on Top of the World

The pandemic devastated so many workers in Wisconsin. It’s been a struggle to get the workforce back on track, but it’s happening—slowly but surely. Programs like FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) and support from the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation combine to help workers get back on their feet and on the path toward their dreams. … See details

Lacy Lights the Way

Sometimes parents need a light to guide them through life’s storms. As an unemployed single mom, Lacy was not sure how to support her newborn, but she was determined to overcome every obstacle for her child. Thankfully, the right resources were there for her. Now she’s determined to be a beacon for others. Navigating the … See details

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