It’s Women In Construction Week!

This is Women in Construction Week, #WiCweek! It’s a time to recognize the viability of women in construction, as well as how life-changing this industry is for those who have the courage to start. These TrANS graduates are just a few of the inspirational women in the trades who’ve reminded us to challenge the status … See details

It’s Construction Season

When Sirenia graduated from TrANS, we thought she’d jump right into a new construction career, but that didn’t happen. “After chatting, Sirenia explained that she was fearful of entering road construction because it was seasonal work,” says Lorie, her TrANS instructor. Sirenia wasn’t sure that “she’d be able to support herself during the off-season.” She … See details

Chelsea’s Change

Chelsea came from the big city, where she did well as a cellist. It was exciting work, but not always steady. After moving, however, she wasn’t sure that employers would consider her in a completely different field – like, industrial different. Since joining FSET, employers aren’t the only ones taking her seriously, though – she … See details

April Redefines Herself

“I am a single mother and did not want to depend on the system to support my family,” says April. Two years ago, she was striving for financial independence. She had earned an entry-level CNC machinist certification through Moraine Park Technical College, but she described herself as “financially terrified” while attending class full-time and completing … See details

Six months later

When Latoyia learned that she was about to become a mom, she went straight into prep mode. She had a job that barely paid the bills; now she has a career she loves. She had trouble speaking English; now she talks with people for a living. She’d been living with her mom; now she’s a … See details

Yeralyz Discovers Her New Path

Shortly after having her second child, Yeralyz discovered that she needed surgery. She’d planned to join Wisconsin Works (W-2) for support during maternity leave, but this was a game-changer. Suddenly, Yeralyz had a list of medical restrictions, and she had to put her education and career on hold. Thankfully, although it shook her up a … See details

Destiny Awarded for Aspirations in Computing

We’re proud to announce that Destiny, a junior in our Upward Bound program at Madison East High School, has been awarded a 2021 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Award! According to the AiC website, this award recognizes students’ aptitude and aspirations “as demonstrated by their computing experience, computing-related activities, leadership experience, tenacity in the face … See details

Lakeshia Fuels Her Passion

Imagine yourself sitting down at a local diner. There’s a light chatter of guests and wait staff bustling around. We’re mid-pandemic, but truckers still need a place to kick back as they haul their cargo across the country. As you find your seat, you see a woman recording some kind of testimonial on her phone … See details

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