Destiny Awarded for Aspirations in Computing

We’re proud to announce that Destiny, a junior in our Upward Bound program at Madison East High School, has been awarded a 2021 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Award!

According to the AiC website, this award recognizes students’ aptitude and aspirations “as demonstrated by their computing experience, computing-related activities, leadership experience, tenacity in the face of barriers to access, and plans for post-secondary education.” As a recipient of the Regional Affiliate Award, she will be getting an engraved award, recognition at their award event, scholarship and internship opportunities, and automatic induction into the AiC network of peers and professionals.

We couldn’t think of a better candidate. Destiny is an active member of Upward Bound and seizes every chance to advance her passion for computing. She’s is in the top of her class in the STEM Academy at Madison College, a partnership between MMSD High Schools and the college. Destiny is also involved in the Information Technology Academy at University of Wisconsin-Madison. There, she takes additional technology courses and has been completing internships in the field.

Destiny isn’t sure which college to attend yet, but we think you’ll agree that she’s already off to an amazing start in life. Congratulations, Destiny!

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