Meet Rebecca

Our success story this week not only has a job she loves, but Rebecca was even featured in last week’s State of the State address in Madison. It began about 7 months ago, she tells us, with an appointment to enroll in FSET (the FoodShare Employment and Training program). She says she was bit unsure … See details

Meet Miranda

Miranda is the first person to tell you how much the WIA (now WIOA) program changed her life. Coming out of high school, she said she didn’t have much confidence in herself and little idea of where she was going. She had an idea that she wanted to get into child care, but didn’t know how … See details

Tomah High School JAG Ceremony

In her speech as the incoming JAG Career Association President, Haley told her fellow JAG students “that it doesn’t really matter what life you were born into that anybody can be given the chance to change their life and become who they should be and who they want to be in the future.” On January … See details

Meet Denise

Getting a job can be hard enough. But imagine how hard it can get when you have a disability that limits how much your body can take. Denise found herself in that very situation. With no job, no car, and children to care for, she reached a new level of determination that not many people … See details

Meet Jacki

Imagine we’re on a boat, Jacki told us when she first enrolled in the WIA (now WIOA) program in 2015. The “recession hits and our boat sinks. Some go down with the boat, others are strong enough to swim to shore. Those who are like me, cling to waterlogged pieces of wreckage from the boat.” … See details

Meet Jamie

Losing a job can take its toll on a person, and Jamie knows this more than anyone. After working with employers that never seemed to think her work was good enough, Jamie started to believe it too. It was a huge blow to her personal life and her confidence when she lost her job. She … See details

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