Tools for School

The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay’s Tools for Schools program serves children in Brown County who are entering 5 year old Kindergarten through 12th grade.  This year, the registration for Tools for School will be an online process.  The registration link will be on the Salvation Army’s website beginning July 11 through July 29.  … See details

Transportation Assistance | WETAP Story

Dustin Drives His Recovery

Transportation obstacles are not issues that just affect individuals but the entire community. This is a story about someone who is paying it forward – at least, he was trying to, but his mission was hindered by unreliable transportation. Leading by Experience Dustin is recovering from drug and alcohol abuse. It’s a struggle he has … See details

A smiling group of refugees find work in Wisconsin.

How to turn a refuge into a home

This February, we met 24 brave Afghan refugees. They were granted refuge in Wisconsin, but their situation was still difficult. Some of them had never worked before. Many could barely speak English. All were in a new community – thankfully, a community that came together to turn their refuge into a home. Oshkosh has several … See details

Mother Daughter | Client Spotlight

Sharifa and Farishta Stick Together

Being a stranger in a new country can be scary, disorienting, and overwhelming. It takes inner strength to face the challenges that come with unfamiliar surroundings and an unfamiliar language. But there are opportunities for help. This is a story of a mother and daughter refugees who arrived in Winnebago County needing employment and transportation … See details

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