Success Spotlight: Tyson

Tyson’s upbeat personality and drive to learn were a beacon of hope to his classmates throughout the TrANS program. Now that he’s graduated, Tyson’s shining like a spotlight of success! Tyson had always wanted to enter construction, but he didn’t know how to get started. He had been working jobs from temp agencies but wanted … See details

Rosa’s Leading the Way

As the mother of seven children, Rosa has been a full-time chef, nurse, coach, driver, personal secretary, teacher, and supervisor. When she decided to put her skills to work for others, however, she knew she’d need some experiences outside of the home. That’s exactly what she found at FSC. Now she’s starting an exciting new … See details

Odessa Finds Her Voice

Putting together a sentence has always been tricky for Odessa, so when she got the keys to her new apartment, she sent us a picture! Several months earlier, a domestic situation left her homeless with a baby. She was determined to find a safe home, but finding a good job was tough. She didn’t have … See details

Sa’s Talents

Sa couldn’t bring much with him when he fled from the ongoing crisis in Myanmar, but he did carry with him a wealth of experience and boundless optimism that he’s using to build his future in the US. Since joining FSET in 2016, he learned English so quickly that he became an impromptu translator for … See details

Education Jolts Gewelesis’ Dream

Everyone who’s seen the giant tag on a hairdryer knows that if you drop it in water, you’re going to get zapped. As a former salon owner, Gewelesis has seen that warning hundreds of times, but somewhere between trims, he realized that he wanted to learn more about the wires and current that made his … See details

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