As the mother of seven children, Rosa has been a full-time chef, nurse, coach, driver, personal secretary, teacher, and supervisor. When she decided to put her skills to work for others, however, she knew she’d need some experiences outside of the home. That’s exactly what she found at FSC. Now she’s starting an exciting new career she hopes will lead to more opportunities in her new role.
Rosa’s been working since she was 16, but her recent separation convinced her to find a better position with the advancement potential she needs to support her family.
At FSC, she found the resources to make a job hunt possible with seven kids. Her FSET and Wisconsin Works teams helped her arrange childcare and transportation, including a referral to WETAP to get new tires for her vehicle last winter. This enabled her to start training for the office career she really wanted. She started with a course on interviewing and moved quickly into our Office Professionals training. This strengthened her clerical skills and motivated her to look for a career in the field.
To sharpen the skills she learned in the classroom, Rosa volunteered in our office. As a class assistant, she supervised the computer lab, answered student’s questions, and helped with technology. She also started a clerical position where she got hands-on experience at our front desk. She said that volunteering helped her learn what it’s like in an office setting, figure out how to handle tasks on-to-go, and feel confident that she’d be an asset to employers.
We loved having Rosa in our office, but we’re glad to say that she just started her new full-time job as an Account Specialist at Nemschoff. We know she’ll do great things, and we can’t wait to see what comes next. Congratulations, Rosa!