Sandy | FSET Story

Sandy’s Positive Outlook

When Sandy approached us, she was struggling financially, mentally, and physically. She was seeing a counselor weekly and under a lot of stress and pressure with bills and payments, which is how she found FSET. Working with her case managers, Rachel and Angie, she stated that she needed help with rent and transportation assistance as … See details

Nicole | FSET Story

Welcome Nicole to Our Team

Many reasons can lead to a disruption in full-time employment, and sometimes that can come in the form of a rare health condition. This was the case for Nicole, who, with her three children, was staying in her parents’ home while she took stock of her current capabilities. Taking one temporary job after another made … See details

Austin | FSET Story

Austin Returns to Normal

Justice-involved individuals face additional challenges when re-entering the workforce. In addition to finding work, there is a personal factor of regaining and rebuilding what one had before incarceration. Austin found himself at our door only two days after being released, and was determined to get back everything he had lost. He met with Craig Coleman, … See details

One Day at a Time

Financial struggles can bring the weight of the world down on a parent. Audrey knows about that firsthand. Nonetheless, she still advises to “Just keep your head up. I know things can get really bad, and you think that things won’t change,” Audrey says. “Just remember to take it one day at a time.” Audrey … See details

A New Change for Harlan

Transitioning to a normal life after incarceration can be an incredibly overwhelming experience, especially when you don’t know where to start. That’s why we’re here to help. Harlan was recently released and was left to start over without a job, a place to live, or a way of getting around. He had heard from his … See details

A Smile You Can Hear

Klara has the kind of grit that helps her laugh when others might cry. Today, however, her smile springs to her lips from a joyful heart. It’s the kind of smile you can hear over the phone while she’s answering calls at her new job. It’s a confident smile, knowing that her children are safe, … See details

Matie’s Drive To Success

Matie was a successful construction and logistics business owner for over 10 years in his home country. He had assisted the US marines in his previous work. Unfortunately, due to the political situation overseas, his home was no longer safe for his family. Matie and his family were forced to pack up and leave behind … See details

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