Forward Thinking: Preparing for Tax Season – Conversation About EITC

On Thursday, February 15th, we held a Forward Thinking session covering Preparing for Tax Season: A Conversation About the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Speaker Jonathon Ferguson, Financial Capability Specialist with University of Madison Division of Extension, walked us through how to prepare people for tax season, what the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is, and how people can claim it.


Some key takeaways from the session:

  • Filing on-time can help detect identity theft, provide a return on their income (money back in their pocket), and determine if some credits are retroactive
  • Refundable and non-refundable credits can help reduce the amount of taxes owed and may increase the size of the refund
  • EITC is a credit to help people receive a tax-break and it is offered both Federally and through the State of Wisconsin


Download: You can view the slides from this presentation through the links below:

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