When Dawn moved to Wisconsin, she brought a whole lot of energy and compassion with her – but she was surprised that her CNA license wouldn’t come along for the ride. In a scramble to support her family and stay in the field she loved, Dawn learned about Wisconsin Works. Today, she’s back in healthcare and shooting for new horizons!
Dawn was relieved that with W-2, she could get back into healthcare right away. Dawn’s case manager Sara worked with NWTC to help pay for classes, starting this fall. In the meantime, Sara recommended Dawn for an upcoming on-site training course in healthcare. Earning her CPR certificate again gave her the motivation she needed to push her job search to the next level.
It didn’t take long before Dawn got an offer from Wyndemere Estates. She’s excited to start CNA classes, so she can advance her career in her new home. Congratulations, Dawn!