John Drives To Success

“FSET gave me a second chance at being a productive member in society by being self sufficient.”

John arrived in our Fond du Lac office looking for employment and financial stability. He was encountering issues with transportation that was interrupting his ability to travel to interviews and jobs. Yet, he knew that he wanted to earn his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to open up career opportunities.

Angel Gilbertson, an FSC case manager, met with John and enrolled him in the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. This provided him with immediate transportation support in the form of gas vouchers while they explored options for employment.

First, Angel connected John with a job developer who helped him work on his resume. She then enrolled him in the Career Connections course to hone his soft skills and prepare for interviewing. He was also able to research open positions, apply, and schedule interviews for jobs that he was interested in.

Before long, John’s dedication and active participation in FSET helped him reach his goal of earning his CDL and finding full-time employment as a driver.

“John is a kind man,” Angel says. “His positive attitude and determination in the program assisted in his journey of employment success.”

John plans to focus on sustaining his full-time employment and the newfound happiness in achieving his goals.

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