Tsion gets a job, escapes homelessness

Tsion is a bright young lady who’s on her way to a great future. When our FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) team first met Tsion, she had hit a rough patch. But today she has the foundation to make her dreams come true.

Being unemployed is enough to shake anyone’s confidence, but homelessness complicated matters for Tsion. Although she was determined to move on, she needed guidance and resources. The moment Tsion enrolled in the FSET program, she found both.

In fact, it turned out that her next opportunity was just a few steps away. Chasong, the Employment Specialist who was helping Tsion, geared her up with gas vouchers, work shoes, and work clothes. Then she attended a Job Fair at the Sheboygan Job Center and was offered a job right away!

Today, Tsion works as a Product Inspector at Sheboygan Paper box. She’s already saved enough money to find her own place to live. But her story doesn’t end there.

Now Tsion is saving for her education. She hopes to return to school to become a registered nurse. Chasong has every confidence that she will succeed. “She is a very bright young lady,” Chasong states, adding that “she would be a very good nurse.”

Congratulations, Tsion!

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