Resources for Immigrants

"You will have a great support team waiting for you"

If you are an immigrant in Wisconsin, Bibi and Khatira want you to hear their story. They want to show you how to find the resources you need to succeed.

Staying Together

Bibi and Khatira are a mother and daughter from Afghanistan who traveled to the Appleton area in search of opportunity. A friend brought them to FSC, to help them find resources and work in their new home. Our friendly team has helped them with transportation, their job search, career guidance, and more.

One of the nicest things Bibi and Khatira enjoy about working with FSC is that they can stay together. From the time their friend introduced them to us to this day, Bibi and Khatira have always been side by side. This comforted them immediately, since they also hoped to work together someday.

Meeting New Friends

Their friend helped them get started by bringing them to one of our case managers, Emily. She works with Refugee Services. This program is dedicated to helping refugees find good job opportunities and other support in their new home.

Emily noticed that Bibi and Khatira were receiving FoodShare. That was all they needed to get even more resources through the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. She quickly helped the family meet another friendly face, an FSET case manager named Sarah.

As one team, Bibi and Khatira got all they needed to get settled. Gas vouchers helped them get rides with family and friends. A weekly refugee job club helped them apply and interview for work. They’ve even been offered multiple jobs – that they’ve turned down, because now they know that they can get even better wages with other employers.

Today, Bibi and Khatira are working with their FSC team to find the best opportunities ahead. They feel confident and happy in their new home, and they hope you will join them here, knowing that you will have a great support team waiting for you.

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