Patty Battles Through

A few years ago, Patty received a diagnosis that would turn her entire world upside down. Soon after, her husband also received a diagnosis, and they were unsure how to pay their bills and provide for their children. They dreamed a time when medical bills wouldn’t rule their lives, so they could afford a nice home to call their own. Without any decent income coming in, this dream seemed to be impossible.

Patty and her husband decided take matters into their own hands and enrolled in Wisconsin Works (W-2), a program that supports parents while they achieve their career goals.

Their case manager recommended that Patty focus on earning her G.E.D. Having her diploma was always a goal for Patty but seemed to fall by the wayside when life kept happening. However, this time around, Patty was determined to get that diploma and even set a goal to graduate before her oldest son graduated high school. Patty’s case manager quickly connected her to one of our Adult Education Navigators.

Studying while also taking care of herself and her family full-time proved to be a feat in itself. When we referred Patty to her local Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC), however, she learned that she could earn a wage being a caretaker of her husband. This seemed like the perfect option given her family’s situation. Working with ADRC, her husband also got resources to help process his disability application quicker.

A few months later, Patty and her husband’s health had a setback. Patty decided to focus on her health and put her studying on hold. When her son voiced his concern for her health, though, it shook her into action. She had to get better for her family. Their future depended on it.

Patty dug up all the strength she had and refocused on her goals. Even though she wasn’t fully back to herself, she remained focused on her end goal. All of her hard work paid off, and things started to work out for the better. Patty passed her test on the last day before her graduation and earned her GED on time. She even graduated a whole month before her son. Soon after, they received the fantastic news that her husband was awarded his disability payments.

Today, life is looking up for Patty and her family. They will be closing on their first ever home in March and plan to have a big wedding in their new backyard to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Patty is continuing to work on her health issues but is now hopeful for the future. They would like to thank everyone from the bottom of their hearts for helping them achieve their dreams.

We’re happy to help you, Patty, and we wish you and your family the best!

If you’re a parent looking for support, see how our Wisconsin Works (W-2) program can help.

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