Our NASCAR fans out there can tell you that winning a race takes a great driver and a great pit crew for support. We have a fantastic story from southern Wisconsin about Stacey, who has just won her race by getting a full-time job with benefits by using the support of our Wisconsin Works crew.
Enrolling in the program, she said her goal was to get more than a minimum wage job so she can take care of her family without assistance. To do this, she threw herself into any opportunity to learn and grow she could find: job fairs, job club, and our Fast Forward to Work classes. At home or at the job center, Stacey put in the work.
This race wasn’t always easy, though, and she had to make some key pit stops along the way. As Stacey herself told us:
“If it wasn’t for the workers at W-2 I honestly don’t think I could [have] made it through this. There were a few times I just wanted to give up and Jessica [Skills Instructor] wasn’t having it, she would push me and William [Account Rep.] would challenge me to do things and without those two as my support system I would have been lost. Thanks to them I got a great job and I’m proud of myself for sticking there.”
Not surprisingly, Stacey said she is going to do the best job possible at her new employer, learn everything she can, and find ways to move up the career ladder. Her dream is to buy a house for her family someday. Knowing Stacey, she’ll make this happen.
Congratulations Stacey – we’re proud of your success.