“Someday, I will be a manager,” says TaCiana. A few months ago, she couldn’t imagine saying those words. She was just hoping life might be better for her family, when she learned about FSC. Today, she isn’t hoping – she’s making it happen.
One of the first things her Wisconsin Works case manager did was ensure TaCiana had all of the resources she needed to succeed. A few questions later, she was co-enrolled in FSET. “Her W-2 case manager and I teamed up and provided supportive services,” explains FSET Employment Specialist Kari. “Also, a team effort to encourage her to keep going.” They talked about her interests and helped her join a skills training program in food service to get started.
Soon, she was coming back to Kari to talk about how much she was learning and the changes she wanted in her life. She enthusiastically discussed her ambitions and even changed her appearance to match her newfound optimism and professionalism. With a better sense of TaCiana’s goals, Kari arranged for TaCiana to start volunteering. At Manna for Life, “she started showing natural abilities as a leader and put into practice everything she was learning,” says Kari. By the end of her skills training course, TaCiana felt confident going into her on-site interview and secured a full-time job in the food industry!
When she talks about her future now, TaCiana says “I am worth it!” She knows that her future is not just bright for her family – it’s bright for her too! Congratulations, TaCiana!