Donya’s Success

When health issues took Donya out of the workforce, she joined Wisconsin Works to support her family while applying for disability benefits – only to have them denied. She’d all but resigned herself to the sidelines but knew she had to do something to care for her children. That’s when she started working with W-2 in a whole new way. Soon, Donya discovered that she could overcome much more than she thought possible.

W-2 quickly became the best confidence boost she could have asked for – not just in terms of emotional support, but also in providing the skills she needed to move forward.

Although Donya wasn’t sure she could physically handle work anymore, volunteering altered her perspective. She started by helping out at the FSC office in the Emergency Assistance kiosk. That went so well that she volunteered as a receptionist at New Life Church. Then she volunteered in classrooms at her local schools.

“She loves to be involved in the community helping others,” says Donya’s W-2 case manager.

With newfound confidence, Donya actively took the next steps toward a career. She enrolled in school to earn her GED, composed a resume, and set a career path with her case manager.

Today, we’re happy to say that she’s started her new job as a driver with Redwood Transport! She is happy to be back out in her community and feels more reassured than she’s been in a long time. Donya plans to keep working in this field and carve out a truly stable future for her little ones.

Congratulations, Donya!

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