When complications left Gabrielle unable to work during pregnancy, Wisconsin Works became a lifeline of support. Gabrielle spent the next few years at home to raise her child. As soon as her baby was old enough, she decided to re-enroll in W-2 and FSET, changing her lifeline into a resource for lasting success.
Gabrielle knew that Wisconsin Works could help her brush up on the skills she needed to get back into the changing workforce. “Job Skills Training helps,” she insists. “You can feel safe to be yourself – to open up and learn how to overcome your obstacles.” Earning her training certificate gave Gabrielle the confidence to look for work again. To help her get started, her Account Representative Kevin arranged a volunteer experience for her at St. Vincent DePaul.
She enjoyed the work and spending time with her “SVPD family” so much that when she heard about a job opening, she was among the first to apply. She started at the end of January and couldn’t be happier. Gabrielle says that this job not only means stability for her family but also that “SVPD is a great company to work for.” She loves learning about the different departments in the organization and hopes to work her way up to store manager one day.
Gabrielle also sees school in her future, hoping to save up enough to go back for a degree in nursing and early childhood education. Eventually, she’d like to help children with disabilities succeed, and she sees her work with SVPD as instrumental in helping her get there. “I came here, I learned I can do it, I will do it, I’m already doing it!”
Yes, you are! Congratulations, Gabrielle!