Lizzie’s Journey to Self-Reliance

“I am very motivated to go to school and do something that I feel is worthwhile with my life,” says Lizzie. Even when she was homeless, Lizzie always wanted to find a career that let her give back to others. Today she can start achieving this dream, with support from FSC and our network of partners.

A Fresh Perspective

As a new mom, Lizzie saw everything with fresh eyes. Even though she was homeless, she knew that she could overcome anything, and she wanted to channel her strength to help others as well.

“My goal, once I have a degree, is to work with teens and children who are in foster care and help them reach their goals,” Lizzie told our team.

The Network She Needed

Determined to become self-sufficient, Lizzie joined our Wisconsin Works and FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) programs while living at Bridgeway & Beyond transitional housing in Sheboygan. We worked side-by-side to support Lizzie as she learned how to overcome her past and start a strong future.

With career guidance, transportation assistance, and help finding community resources like BadgerCare and Childcare Assistance, Lizzie found the start she needed to succeed. She continued her education and studied career paths with our team while searching for a family-sustaining part-time job in the meantime. It didn’t take long before Lizzie found the opening she was looking for at Bemis Manufacturing.

The Path Forward

“It means a lot to me and means that I have some stability and some ground to stand on for self-reliance,” Lizzie states. She hopes to continue at Bemis while pursuing her degree in psychology and looks forward to “living on my own with just my daughter.” Eventually, she wants to earn her master’s in psychology.

Congratulations, Lizzie!

Lizzie benefitted from the following programs:

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