One Referral, Two Jobs!

Ryan and Jessica arrived in Wisconsin this summer without so much as a car to huddle up in at night, but you’d never know it by looking at them. Strong and upbeat, they were always hopeful. They’d been uprooted from Colorado so quickly that they didn’t have time to find a home, let alone jobs – but they had each other. They scouted out resources as soon as they arrived, positive that asking for help was just another step toward finding a solution. A few unexpected turns later, the solution found them!

It all started with a referral. The couple came to The Micah Center looking for shelter and any resources that might help get them in touch with their new community. As soon as the center’s staff learned that the couple wanted help finding work, they contacted FSET and arranged for a time to meet.

It turned out that just coming in was the longest part of the process! Ryan’s experience as a welder made him the ideal fit for an opening at Fincantieri Marine. His Account Representative Craig mentioned it during their very first interview, and they got to work on an application right away. Within 2 weeks, Ryan started a full-time job making  $26.50 an hour. They’ve found a place to call home and are ready to make their life together better than ever. To make it even better, Jessica just got word that she’ll be starting a new job this month too.

Congratulations to you both!