Roseatta Inspires Success

“I have a fight inside me like no other,” says Roseatta. Homeless and struggling to overcome a traumatic upbringing in foster care, she can recall going hungry on many nights so she could nurture her two small children. Then the unexpected happened – she found the help she needed through Wisconsin Works.

“Roseatta came to my office about 9 months ago,” her Case Manager Jenni tells us. “She confided in me. Knowing what she has endured in her child and adult life, I was able to understand her desire to flee when things were tough.” She had been on aid programs in other areas, but her hesitance about her new team melted away when Jenni encouraged her to come to a class she teaches on Overcoming Barriers.

She started to share her story, get real feedback, and soon turned around to fight through every barrier she faced. Roseatta reached out to her team to learn new skills, refocus on parenting, and cope with adversity. “They always saw what I refused to see in myself,” Roseatta insists. “They pushed me when I was no longer pushing myself.”

Then one day, she came to Jenni with a smile and asked if she could teach a class. No notes in hand, she gave a heartfelt presentation. She urged others not to give up, to be accountable, and to take help when needed. Tears welled up in their eyes as they listened to her story. “Hearing this come out of Roseatta was awe-inspiring,” says Jenni. “Never have I heard so much passion. The last statement she made was, “Barriers, what barriers? YOU are the barrier!”

Today, Roseatta volunteers 15 hours a week, helps facilitate the barriers class, and is motivated to make a difference. She hopes to finish college and start a non-profit that helps other people like herself. She sees herself as a woman with potential, “which has helped me choose the relationships and people I choose to be around… Even the way I interact with my children has improved.”

“Success is not merely measured by employment, 100% completed logs, or a perfect score,” says Jenni. “Success is Roseatta’s story. She worked very hard to get to where she is and she is worth every minute.”

We are continually inspired by you and proud to see you grow, Roseatta! Congratulations!

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