This time last year, Shannon never would have expected to see herself enjoying a job in manufacturing. She’d always been in health care, so she never even considered manufacturing a possibility. When Covid forced her to reconsider her options, however, Shannon came to FSC and learned how valuable her talents were across the board.
“She really enjoys the various aspects of her new position,” says her FSET Case Manager Chasong. He helped Shannon realize that manufacturing could be a great career for her. Shannon had initially come to FSET and Wisconsin Works (W-2) to support her family while searching for an opening in health care. Once Covid hit, it shut down so many options in her field, however, and she was struggling to get her daughter into daycare and keep a roof over their heads. After learning more about her interests and the various local openings in manufacturing, Shannon realized that it was exactly what her family needed right now.
Shannon got the resources she needed to switch careers quickly. Our partners at Lakeshore CAP and WHEAP helped her pay rent. Shannon started our Essentials Courses to build a resume geared toward manufacturing. She worked with Wisconsin Works to find a good childcare that was accepting new children during Covid. Then she worked with her FSC team to find family-friendly openings nearby. After she was hired, FSET even helped her get gas vouchers for her commute.
Shannon recently started a full-time job with Locate Staffing at Subco Foods. She’s been impressed by a flexible schedule, so her daughter can attend daycare. They’re just as impressed with her — last we heard, she was even considering training as a Machine Operator.
Congratulations, Shannon!